
Paynes Creek
Pulled over on the side of CA 5, about 30 minutes from the Mt. Lassen volcanic foothills town of Red Bluff on a beautiful sunny morning next to endless miles of agricultural land on both sides, I patiently awaited the...
Moti: Pete and Luke Halmay
I forget who once explained to me that urchin divers are a breed apart from the rest. They spend hours of their working day in the murky abyss scraping around the bottom of the ocean for spiny creatures as externally...
Garum: It's fish guts, but in delicious sauce form!
As our fish sauce program develops at the restaurant, we have already produced fish sauces that are specific to individual fish species, crustacean, or other, creating a library codex of fish sauces that subtly nuance the food, by adding a...
An Experiment in Experimenting:
Water — the most important resource in the world and the perfect muse for the new Eight Course Cocktail Tasting Menu. This unique experience is our tribute to food and drinking cultures throughout the world, by way of the waters...
Skate: What is it?
Monterey Fish Market’s delivery truck rolled up Pacific Avenue. The driver quickly parked, speedily delivering our fish order in his plastic tote through the back side of the kitchen. I inspected the contents. Rockfish filets? Check. Halibut, whole spec? Check....